Direct Mail, Learn How it Works

Direct Mail, Learn How it Works

Direct mail is one of the most trusted and effective marketing mediums you can use. Whether you’re promoting a product, service or brand, either B2B or B2C.

Direct mail postcards, letters, publications or samples can be sent as targeted communications. Each recipient receives a personalized version.

Direct mail helps you:

  • target new leads
  • keep existing customers in the sales channel
  • increase your corporate brand
  • introduce new products
  • promote your website

The true power of direct mail is its ability to create and nurture relationships with your customers. Turning them from one time shoppers in to repeat customers.

You leads and customers can get to know your brand through direct mail pieces. Tracking response rates gives you information on what customers want, allowing you to build relationships & sales.

So you’re asking, really, how does it work?

Here are 4 basic stepping stones to building successful direct mail campaigns:

It’s all in the List

The foundation of successful direct mail campaigns is the quality of the list. When you are using the right list you can use it to develop personalized & targeted marketing materials. This will help you establish and build long term relationships.

It’s ALL about the CUSTOMER

Response rates and information contained in your mailing list give you the information you need to give customers the content THEY want. Listening and acting on customer responses (needs & wants), you have the opportunity to give them what they want – from the first sale to the millionth!

Followup Followup

You’ve done the work of establishing a relationship with your customers & leads, next you need to continue to interact with them in a positive and consistent manner. This can be through ongoing direct mail pieces, emails or call – whatever works best for your business model.

Value or Bust

Customers today are a savvy bunch and demand value for their dollar. It’s important to ensure that your direct marketing offers provide outstanding value and service. This will not only to help you gain customer trust, but to ensure long lasting relationships.

When it comes to direct mail campaigns you don’t need to go it alone. Micro Mailing Canada has been helping businesses develop and grow their direct mail campaigns for years. Visit them today to see how they can help you spend your direct mail campaign dollars effectively.