Redirection: Publications Mail pieces that cannot be delivered as originally addressed because the addressee has moved, will be redirected to the addressee at no extra charge while there is a National Change of Address (NCOA) in effect.

Publications Mail, Features and Information

For every Publications Mail piece (including a Bundle of Unaddressed Copies) that is considered undeliverable, Canada Post will forward the address block information along with a sample cover of the host publication to the Canadian postal address provided by the Customer in the detailed identifying information of the host publication.

Any Addressed Admail or Lettermail item co-packaged with a host publication will not be returned if undeliverable.

Canada Post Publications Mail™ – Customer Guide

A Publications Mail piece will be treated as undeliverable mail if:

  • the piece does not bear a complete and valid address;
  • the mail piece is addressed to a non-existent address;
  • the addressee has moved without providing a forwarding address;
  • the addressee has moved and the National Change of Address (NCOA) has expired

No address information will be returned for a co-packaged publication or an enclosed ride-along publication if the Publications Mail piece is undeliverable. The address block information will be returned only for the host publication.

In order to access the Publications Mail service, including prices, customers must complete a series of applications and other documentation required by Canada Post from time to time.

Proper mail preparation is important to ensure that Publications Mail items are processed and delivered efficiently.

Also in this section:
Surcharges may be applied to improperly prepared mailings by Canada Post – let us handle all the necessary paperwork and preparation – we will ensure that your mailing is cost-effective.


Whether you’re a big or small publisher, or if you publish every week or only twice a year, Publications Mail can get your publication right where you want it – in your readers’ hands.

Save your precious time and let us handle the preparation and distribution of your publication to your Canadian customers. We have the staff, technology, equipment and experience to handle any size job.

Publications Mail Information Guide
Article Name
Publications Mail Information Guide
Processing and distributing magazines via Publications Mail - newsletters and books through mail has never been easier.
Micro Mailing Canada