Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) items that cannot be delivered as originally addressed because the addressee has moved, will be redirected to the addressee at no extra charge while there is a National Change of Address (NCOA) in effect. Mail bearing the name of the addressee followed by the words “or Occupant” or similar wording, or mail bearing a non-personalized descriptor including “Occupant”, will not be redirected. In such cases, the mail item will be delivered to the original destination address.
- If the Return to Sender or Address Correction service options are requested, the mail item will be returned and the Customer will be charged the applicable service price for each mail item returned
- Redirection is not available for Dimensional Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) or metered items
Undeliverable Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail)
A Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) item will be treated as undeliverable if:
- the mail item does not bear a complete and valid address;
- the mail item is addressed to a non-existent address;
- the addressee has moved without providing a forwarding address;
- the addressee has moved and the National Change of Address (NCOA) has expired;
- the mail item is refused by the sender or addressee;
- either the Return to Sender or the Address Correction service options were not selected;
- postage due is not paid by the addressee on demand;
- delivery is prohibited by law;
- the mail item cannot otherwise be delivered to the addressee.
Return to Sender (optional)
An undeliverable Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) item will be returned to the sender if:
- the mail item carries the correct RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED postal indicia
- the mail item is addressed to an address which does not have a National Change of Address (NCOA) in effect for the addressee
- only one Canadian return address appears on the outside of the mail item
The sender will be charged the applicable Return to Sender price for each mail item returned. Mail bearing the name of the addressee followed by the words or Occupant or similar wording, or mail bearing a non-personalized descriptor including Occupant, will not be returned to the sender. In such cases, the item will be delivered to the original destination address.
Address Correction
A Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) item will be returned to the sender with the corrected address if:
- the mail item carries the correct ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED – RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED postal indicia
- the mail item is addressed to an address which has a National Change of Address (NCOA) in effect for the addressee
- the addressee has consented that Canada Post provide their new address
- only one Canadian return address appears on the outside of the mail item.
The sender will be charged the applicable Address Correction price for each mail item returned and corrected. Refer to the Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) Price Sheet. If there is no National Change of Address (NCOA) in effect for the addressee, the mail item will be returned to the sender without a corrected address and charged the applicable Return to Sender price.
If there is a National Change of Address (NCOA) in effect for the addressee but the addressee has not consented that Canada Post provide their new address, the mail item will be forwarded to the addressee at the new address. The sender will not be charged.
Mail items without the correct ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED – RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED postal indicia will be treated as undeliverable and disposed of or recycled locally.
Mail bearing the name of the addressee followed by the words or Occupant or similar wording, or mail bearing a non-personalized descriptor including Occupant, will not receive the Address Correction service. In such cases, the item will be delivered to the original destination address.
Get Your Questions Answered today!Also in this section:
- Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) – Is It For Me?
- Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) Content Guide
- Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) Format Guide
It is important to use a recent list and reduce the chances of undeliverables. We utilize a Canada Post approved software to eliminate addressing mistakes and save you money.
Additional references from Canada Post:
- Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) – Overview
- Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) Machineable Mail Preparation Guide
- Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) – Machineable Mail Design Guide
- Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) – 2017 Pricing
- Canada Post 2017 Business Services Pricing